


Dear Participant of ICS Jubilee World Congress held in September 2015 in the Czech Republic,

The organisational team has ensured a special possibility for you to issue a shortened version of your material in the supplement of European Surgery. It is a magazine with Impact factor. You can find the definition of „shortened version" on our website or there is a review for you below:

Title of the material, all authors and their work place
Summary of maximum 10 lines
Key words
Text of max. 4 pages á 1800 symbols, max 5 charts enclosed, 2 pictures and 5 up-to-date quotations

It is not only abstract!

After sending your text electronically, it will be studied by two professional opponents. The publication will be accepted on condition that it will be presented on the Jubilee World Congress. If the external examination does not confirm the material, 70% of the below mentioned donation will be given back to the author.

It is necessary to support the publication by 125 USD and to send the material electronically to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until 1st August 2015 the latest.

Please confirm if you are interested in issuing your material to the above mentioned e-mail address until 10th March.
Please send your donation of 125 USD to the account:

IBAN: CZ24 0300 0000 0002 1948 2817

Please react even in case you are not interested in issuing your material in the European Surgery magazine. If there are less than 50 congress speakers interested, unfortunately the supplement of the impacted magazine will not be issued.

On behalf of the congress organizers.

Prof. MUDr. K. Novák, DrSc., FICS

Ke dni 15. 12. 2015 bylo po oponenturách zasláno 47 přijatých prací a editorial vedoucímu redaktoru časopisu European Surgary k definitivnímu posouzení před uveřejněním.

Platby za tyto publikace byly již převedeny do nakladatelství Springer.

Vydání publikací je podpořeno dotací Ministerstva zdravotnictví České republiky.