Please follow these guidelines for writing abstracts:
Official language
Abstract Structure
- Title:
- Authors: - surname and first initial of first name: e.g.: Novák Z.
- Institution, State:
- Introduction:
- Methodology:
- Results:
- Conclusion:
Abstract length: 2,500 characters, including spaces (not including title, and names of authors and institution).
The decision regarding the final form of entries lies with the scientific committee of the congress following the approval of the authors of the presentation.
Poster session
Posters will be presented in electronic form on touch-screen LCD screens. E-posters will be displayed for the entire duration of the congress and will be available to all participants on touch-screen LCD panels.
E-poster set up
E-posters may be created using programs such as MS PowerPoint or specialised graphics programs (see below). The e-poster display panel on the screen is 52 x 63.5 cm (w x h). The e-poster does not need to have these exact dimensions - the width will always conform to the size of the area (however, we still suggest setting the width of the document to 52 cm); the length is up to the discretion of the authors (the display can be scrolled).
The recommended minimum font size for documents 52 cm wide is 18-20 points.
E-poster tablets are equipped with the "ZOOM" function, which means that any detail (image, graph) on the e-poster can be enlarged.
Creating an e-poster
1) in MS PowerPoint:
a) page setup (width 52 cm, height as needed) in "Design/Page setup"
b) insert text, graphs, and images
c) save in PPT or PDF (300 dpi) format
2) other programs (such as Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Quark Xpress, etc.)
a) set up page dimensions (width 52 cm, height as needed)
b) insert text, graphs, and images
c) save in PDF format (300 dpi)